Blogetty Blog 18: Life in the Languedoc.
Cyril Lucas
December 23, 2020
Provence and the neighboring region of Languedoc-Roussillon in the Southf of France are renowned worldwide as a shining haven of hedonism. My wife Vicki and I fell in love with…
Blogetty Blog 17: A Primrose Path.
Cyril Lucas
December 11, 2020
‘Harbinger’ is the word used to describe the sign-bearers that tell us spring is imminent. I had to look it up on Wiki for it is an uncommon word and…
Blogetty Blog 15: A Pause for Fossils.
Cyril Lucas
November 19, 2020
The snow has thawed on my deck overlooking Discovery Bay on the Pacific coast of northwest Washington State and has revealed the two fossils which ‘live’ there – if that’s…
Blogetty Blog 11: Boarding School.
Cyril Lucas
October 16, 2020
“Bloggety” has assumed a patchwork quilt form devoid of chronological order so I shall resume the story of my childhood and continue with my education at boarding school. My…
Blogetty Blog 8: A Home of our Own
Cyril Lucas
August 6, 2020
Kindergarten at Parkfield School in Horsham was followed by proper day-schooling across the road at Springfield Park when I was six. Surviving term reports from 1934 tell me my class…
Blogetty Blog 7: Golden Years
Cyril Lucas
August 5, 2020
My father’s 21st birthday party on 19th August 1908 was a splendid occasion at Warnham Court, the estate in Sussex owned by my grandfather, most notable for the astounding array…