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Blogetty Blog 19: Fortune’s Favourite.

My great-grandfather Charles Thomas Lucas (CTL 1820-1895) is a pivotal figure in my family’s history. For he was able to make the leap from his modest origins as the son…
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Blogetty Blog 16: Times of Trouble.

Astrology, historically reputed as serious science, has largely declined in modern regard. If anyone besides Oedipus ever had reason to bewail the slings and arrows of his outrageous fortune it…
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Blogetty Blog 15: A Pause for Fossils.

The snow has thawed on my deck overlooking Discovery Bay on the Pacific coast of northwest Washington State and has revealed the two fossils which ‘live’ there – if that’s…
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Blogetty Blog 14: The Lucas Quakers.

In my last blog – Lucas Beginnings – I traced my Lucas family back to 1630 and introduced my direct ancestor James Lucas (1747-?) who presents something of a genealogical…

Blogetty Blog 13: Lucas Family Origins.

Do my Lucas family origins stretch all the way back to pre-Roman Italy? There is a theory that the surname Lucas originates from Lucania, a Greek colony occupying land between…
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Blogetty Blog 10: Visiting Ancient Turkey

My family laughs at my interest in the TV series ‘Ancient Aliens’, shown regularly on the History Channel in my area. It has national US and some European distribution.  A…